Programming Overview
The elementary program centers around teaching students tools to enhance their critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving skills. In the elementary program, services are delivered through two different models--itinerant push in and resource pull-out services. Both service models are one day a week programs where students attend class taught by a gifted endorsed teacher.
Eligibility Requirements
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: Identified K-2 students attaining a 97th percentile or above in the verbal, quantitative or nonverbal portion of the Cognitive Abilities Test will have an Educational Service Plan (ESP) written for them. The plan will be developed and implemented by the regular classroom teacher with assistance from district personnel. Resources and ongoing district support will also be provided to the classroom teacher as needed.
3rd - 6th Grade: Students who score a 97th percentile or above in one area of the Cognitive Abilities Test will be provided services through the resource pull-out classroom.
Pull-out Class Curriculum
In the resource pull-out program, class instruction focuses on developing problem solving skills. By learning tools to enhance creative and critical thinking, students will be able to tackle increasing more complex, authentic problems or challenges. Students learn about different problem solving approaches including Creative Problem Solving and the engineering design process. Typically, students will participate in a long-term investigation each year that culminates in the application of learned/researched information.